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发布日期:2025-03-12 23:24 点击次数:85
Foreign Teachers’ Duties
(College of Foreign Languages and Humanities, XUST)
1.A Chinese teacher is assigned to each foreign teacher to assist the latter in case of language obstacles.
2.Foreign teachers shall conduct teaching based on the syllabus and plans.
r级书屋长篇小说3.Foreign teachers shall fill in the forms of teaching schedule in the first week of the semester, upload the schedule on the “Online teaching affairs” in the second week and email it to the Chinese assistant.
4.Foreign teachers shall assign students either spoken or written homework, and give them “performance marks” based on their performance in terms of their presence, class participation and homework.
5.Foreign teachers shall have teaching plans, including teaching content, important points and difficult points.
6.Foreign teachers shall design both the final and make-up tests three weeks before the final test according to the template of the university and the assistant shall deliver them to Test Administration Office.
7.Foreign teachers shall supervise examinations and fill in the record form.
8.Foreign teachers shall mark the test papers and upload students’ grades on line.
9.Foreign teachers shall sort students’ test papers based on their student numbers and hand the test-related materials (including test papers, test key, test analysis report and test record) to the assist who shall deliver them to the English Department to keep them on file.
10.Foreign teachers shall participate and instruct students’ English Corner once in two weeks (students include all those of the university and those in the English Department).
11.Foreign teachers shall contact the assistant in time in case of any problem in their work, and the college shall handle the problems if they are beyond the assistant.